2021 : une odyssée poétique

Videos inspirantes par Clio Franguiadakis - Osez l'Odyssee

2021 : une odyssée poétique

Un voyage poétique, magnifique, auquel nous invite Vincent Avanzi, poète.

Oscar Wilde once said: “Shoot for the moon.
Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars”.
We say: Shoot for the Earth. And we can’t miss.
Why? Because we’re all stars…

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the “I”, only to the “We”.
What is the destiny of our galaxy if not a legacy of harmony?
Oh captain, my captains! It’s your poetic conscience wondering
About us and the world we live in:

In the beginning, the Earth was flat,
Then it became round.
And now, if we just switch up the letter H of our Humanity,
The Earth might turn into a Heart.

All we need is love, stage free,
To go from “human being” to “being human”.
“That’s one small step for Mankind,
One giant leap -of faith- for planet Earth”.

And if we don’t have a Planet B,
We may have a Plan C to see the world through poetic eyes
And be a bird -not a burd-en- to fly high in the skies.
By any dreams necessary, please don’t abort unity,
This may be our last opportunity to meet our common destiny.

So dream high for departure,
We got a green light on the future
To reconcile us with nature.

Today we rise, us, not the temperature!
Today we all rise, as mature creatures
Not as winners but win-winners, navigators, star sailors
With the power to heal that One world wonder,
Around a “Hello Humans, we have a poem”.

But before, relax…. and take a deep breath of fresh air
To meditate then elevate towards our common fate.
It feels good to slow down and contemplate
How life on this planet is so delicate.

May this be our invitation to embark on a “Mission: Possible” journey
Aboard “the enlightened leader space ship”:

Your mission of life, H.O.M.E., should you decide to protect it,
Is to take a harmony shot at planet Earth.
Not a moonshot, an Earth shot.

Ready for launch?
5 4 3 2 1 H.O.M.E. Heroes

1 Global conscience
2 Love abundance
3 World Renaissance
4 Human essence
5 Benevolence

It’s Humanity O’clock and the time has come.
Fasten your Orion seat belt before the dream melts on the horizon.

Departure: H.O.M.E. (Humanity On Mission Earth)
Ignition lift off: Alignment Elevation
Orbit trajectory: Stability Solidarity Biodiversity
Far awake landing: Enlightenment Celebration
Destination: H.O.M.E. (Heaven On Mother Earth)

Welcome Home Sweet Home
Is where the heart of mankind lives.

Light years of life dreams, just imagine…
8 billion people “all co-creating equal”
A dream we dream together is real
Said a wise man from the Beatles.

Amazing Graceour planet is a sacred place,
Not a market with a target but an asset to protect like a Stargate.

Alchemists and artists of life, co-building a Master Peace of Light,
“What will your verse be” tonight?

Your own contribution in our H.O.M.E. higher mission
To lower emissions and design an enchanted horizon?
The cooperation of nations and corporations
We are the RE-Generation.

So come on a date…. with planet Earth,
As our One Life stand, to reverse the trend
For a happy end in our promised land.

Are you ready? We are many, world harmony,
The time of poets is coming.

We’ll only be successful if our planet remains wonderful
Like a blue oasis… the cosmos in osmosis.
Let your aura shine like a Supernova
For the Gala of Gaia in a sustainable Nirvana.

The future is our next exit,
May the Universe approve this message.
Cheers, to YOU-man kind-ness,
The universe in a unique verse.

Invitation H.O.M.E. (Humanity On Mission Earth)
Destination H.O.M.E. (Heaven On Mother Earth)

It’s our home… run around the sun.

Author : Vincent Avanzi (Chief Poetic Officer)

Clio Franguiadakis Osez l'Odyssee Coaching Formation Bordeaux
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Au sujet de l'auteur

Clio Franguiadakis

Depuis 2014, et après 20 années d’expériences dans le secteur privé, Clio accompagne les Dirigeants & Managers dans toutes les phases de leur vie professionnelle, en se focalisant sur 3 leviers de performance : l'Humain, les Relations et l'Efficacité professionnelle. Elle dédie ses compétences, sa passion de l'Humain et son énergie au "mieux-être" et au "bien travailler ensemble". En tant que facilitatrice du changement, elle permet à ses clients de déployer leurs talents et potentiels, et d’accroître leurs performances et résultats. Ses prestations de Coaching professionnel, analyse de pratiques, Co-Développement et formation, en mode individuel et/ou collectif, sont destinées à celles et ceux qui sont prêts à relever les défis qui se présentent et à avancer. A quoi ressemblerait votre vie si vos actions et résultats étaient à la hauteur de vos potentiels ?


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